Dr. Vincent Hill (Center for Diseases Control and Prevention, USA)

Vincent Hill. Dr. Hill is the Chief of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Waterborne Disease Prevention Branch (WDPB). Dr. Hill joined the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2003 to establish the Environmental Microbiology Laboratory for waterborne disease outbreak investigations and emergency preparedness. In 2016, Dr. Hill began serving as Chief of WDPB, overseeing the Branch’s programs in global and domestic WASH epidemiology and disease prevention science, health communication, water-related emergency preparedness, environmental science and engineering, and laboratory surveillance and diagnostics.

Dr. Liping Ma (East China Normal University, China)

Dr. Liping Ma is a professor in the School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences at East China Normal University in Shanghai, China. Her research interests mainly focused on environmental microbiome engineering, antibiotic resistance genes, metagenomics, and bioinformatics. Dr. Ma was awarded the “Shanghai Eastern Scholar” and “Shanghai Pujiang Talents”, and has published over 50 scientific articles on peer-reviewed journals with >5500 citations. She serves as an Editor of Environmental Technology & Innovation.

Professor Thomas P Curtis (Newcastle University, United Kingdom)

Professor Curtis is a Professor of Environmental Engineering in the School of Engineering at Newcastle university. His research interests focus on application of ecological theory, engineering design, and state-of-the-art microbiological methods to characterize and manage microbial communities in engineered water systems. Professor Curtis’ contribution have been recognized by several national and international awards, such as the EPSRC Dream Fellowship, the IWA-ISME BioCluster Grand Prize, and Ardern Lockett Award. He served as MEWE Chair (2013-2019) and continues to serve on the Management Committee.

Professor Katherine (Trina) McMahon (University of Wisconsin Madison, USA)

Professor Katherine (Trina) McMahon is a Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, holding a split appointment in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and in the Department of Bacteriology. Her research group studies the microbial ecology of natural and engineered system using molecular tools to investigate microbial community structure and functions in activated sludge and lakes. She was awarded the ARCADIS/AEESP Frontier in Research Award by the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors, IWA-ISME BioCluster Award Grand Prize and was elected as a Fellow in the American Academy of Microbiology in 2018.  Trina is a Senior Editor for the ASM Journal mSphere. She served as MEWE Secretary (2009-2013) and continues to serve on the Management Committee.