he IWA MEWE Early-Career Award recognizes accomplishments of early-career professionals in the field of MEWE, who are within 5 years after PhD/highest degree at the time of nomination, and who are active not only in the academic environment but also in the industry or (non-)governmental organizations, among other relevant sectors. The nominee must have made a notable scientific contribution in the field of MEWE. They must be passionate about pursuing a microbial ecology approach to help solve key local and/or global water issues. They should display leadership competences and potential to act as an early career ambassador for the MEWE Specialist Group and IWA, promoting the field of engineered microbial systems in the water cycle using emerging concepts in microbial ecology and water technologies. The nominee should be within 5 years after PhD or other highest awarded degree, excluding career breaks (to be identified in the CV). Submit your nominations here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MEWEEarlyCareer
Previous awardees